Animal-Free Culinary Culture™ We Actually Measure Here!








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Dear Future Animal-Free Chef,

Welcome to the new and exciting world of animal-free cuisine! It is indeed a pleasure to join you! I’ve been developing animal-free recipes since 1972, so I have a lot of recipes and knowledge to  share.

GOAL: To give you the tools necessary in becoming an animal-free chef in your own or a commercial kitchen. All chefs will benefit from the working knowledge of these recipes, since most chef’s primary focus is on the animal.

My kitchen is animal-free. That is, I use no FLESH, BLOOD, MILK, EGGS or any part of any animal in my cooking. I do this out of respect for the animals, whom I believe have as much right to live out their natural lives on this earth as I do. I would not, personally, go out and kill an animal to eat and I don’t expect anyone else to do it for me. By not eating animals I preserve the lives of those living and discourage the procreation of those destined for slaughter. I fully understand that many of you do not make the connection between killing an animal against his or her will and the neatly packaged sanitized piece of meat that you purchase in the supermarket. For most of my life neither did I. However, I believe that having always done something is not necessarily a good reason for continuing to do it, and that we must examine our traditions and the ways in which those traditions inflict pain and suffering upon other creatures. Animals do not want to be slaughtered, we wouldn’t either. We do not need to eat them to achieve and maintain good health. So, I do neither. It’s that simple!

Having come to this conclusion, but still having an appetite for fine tasting foods, and not finding much in the way of vegetarian cooking that appealed to me, I decided to develop my own animal-free recipes. I already knew how to cook with animals, now I would learn to cook without them. I cooked day and night experimenting with only the finest ingredients, discovering new ways to please my palate, my husband’s palate and anyone else’s who ate at our house. I would prove to everyone that we could still enjoy exquisite tasting foods without the addition of animal products. And I did just that. Proved it again and again. Thousands of recipes later, I am happy to share with you my favorite recipes in my Mainstream Animal-Free Collection.

The recipes appearing in this collection contain no animal products, thus no cholesterol. Each is an original created by me to tantalize and delight your palate. Each is easy to make with ingredients that are readily available and instructions that are easy to understand and follow. Regardless of whether you’re one person cooking for only you, or you’re a restaurateur looking for exciting ways to please your customers, or a chef who finally realizes that the world needn’t revolve around a dead animal as the centerpiece of the meal, or you’re someone who isn’t nostalgic for the good old days that really weren’t that good, or someone who thinks tradition needs to evolve from the ways of Mom and Pop into something better, there is something for everyone–for every taste. In fact, if you ate nothing but the recipes provided, you would be one of the finest fed people in the world!

I will personally guide you through each recipe as together we explore the exquisite possibilities within the domain of animal-free cooking. You will be introduced to spectacular achievements in flavor, texture, color and aroma as you enjoy countless rewarding experiences introducing your family, friends and guests to your new-found culinary pleasures. You will take common, ordinary foods and prepare them in new and beautiful ways–in ways you never dreamed could taste so good!

In order to learn how to cook, or to improve upon your existing cooking skills, you need to cook. And recipes, like it or not, are your textbooks. They are as much your tools as are the stove, pot, lid, spoon and knife.

I’ve included in this collection a special selection of appetizers, soups, salads, salad dressings, main dishes, sauces, sandwiches, nut butters and spreads, condiments, desserts and breakfast.

I show you how, when and where to use animal-free meats and dairy, recommending the products I’ve found to be consistent, reliable and worthy of inclusion in various recipes.

Probably the most misunderstood course in animal-free cuisine is the main dish. No one seems to know quite what it is or how to define it. Traditionally, the main dish of the meal was the cooked animal. When cooking animal-free, the main dish, when having something other than soup, salad or sandwich becomes the pasta, potatoes, beans, rice, stuffing, or main dish vegetable. Along with this we serve appropriate accompaniments, such as side salad, side dish vegetable(s), and/or condiments. However, with some of the main dishes in this collection you will want to serve only that–and that is just as fine.

Cooking animal-free will improve your health, extend your life, and enhance your sense of well-being. You will lose weight if you want to and lower your cholesterol if you need to. You’ll look good, smell good, feel good, and think and act with greater clarity. The only restriction is no animals. Beyond that anything is possible! So, as you embark on your journey into the world of animal-free cuisine, I wish you good luck and success in your adventure, and a most gracious welcome to – MAINSTREAM ANIMAL-FREE CUISINE – a special world where all your culinary dreams come true!

Happy Cooking, and may the road rise up to meet you in all your animal-free endeavors!

Chef Davies-Tight, animal-free chef and food engineer

Visit for hundreds of original animal-free recipes for you to explore!




Painted By God – from Birth Of A Seed Gallery


In Olympia, Washington where we both worked, we always took a ride after in the country to relax. Tenino, Washington, or there abouts. They looked like black angus by their deep dark color. This is where we drove when we both saw that pink rose in the sky. Thinking before I spoke I wanted to know if Steve saw what I saw, so I didn’t say it. I only asked, “Did you just see that?”. He said, “yes”. I asked, “What was it?”. He replied, “A rose”. Somebody we told it to later said, ‘two people can see the same hallucination’. Yeah, maybe if they were doing drugs, which we weren’t, or maybe two people can’t – it’s not like he was an expert. I know what I saw and Steve knows what he saw. It was our experience, nobody else’s. The whole world benefitted because we wouldn’t deny it – the whole world just hasn’t seen it yet. They don’t know that they’re all part of it.


Human holocaust is no different from Bovine holocaust

The other point? Is there another point?

BREAD is your food – meaning that which grows from plants not wombs.

Thus the sign of the bread in the basket which Mother Mary is holding. Ever wonder why artists slant her head when painting or sculpting?

I brought something home with me from Mexico, besides a blanket. While walking about I came upon a shop selling posters. I talked to a guy who spoke English and told him about the ROSE IN THE SKY. He had two ROSE posters in the shop one was just the rose, but it was too pink, like a teenager might have in her bedroom. The other was a lighter pink with some green and a message. I kept that for years till it was destroyed by water during hurricane Sandy. Below is a photo of it hanging from the ceiling at Waterloo aka Collinwood, Ohio. The guy chose for me actually, then we both agreed that it didn’t have to be a perfect replica. He liked the message, and it was a prettier more real picture than the second option, more like a rose I’d see in my mother’s garden.

That’s it hanging from the ceiling in my ghetto apartment. After we were evicted for reporting a mold problem in a previous apartment, nobody but slum lords would rent to us.


Who does this? Who calls a fetus a fruit? And why?

Guilty people confusing the apple with the animal, so they can eat both.

If a fetus is a fruit in the womb, then a baby grown to an adult is a fruit outside the womb.

A fruit doesn’t change being a fruit when it pops from its pod. An animal doesn’t change being an animal after he/she is birthed.

I’m not a fruit and neither are you and neither is any other animal on the planet.

Animals don’t grow on vines. They don’t grow from soil.

It’s a bad analogy, precisely because it causes so much suffering.

Yes. We Do Actually Measure Here!


That’s what we’re all about in the new and exciting ANIMAL-FREE CULINARY CULTURE . That means COOKING WITHOUT ANIMALS – for a long time. You do want to know how to make a recipe don’t you? Then why do all these chefs and cooks on social media and in my experience in local restaurants cook from a list of ingredients – with no listed amounts and no methods?

It’s a challenge, but also for the originator of the recipe to keep important info to themselves so that only they know how to make it.

I recall Anthony Bourdain once saying of a particular recipe that he tried his entire career to replicate yet could never make it like his friend so and so made it – to perfection – no matter how many times he tried.

I used to wonder why? Can’t Tony follow instructions? Well, it wasn’t till a local chef gave me a list of ingredients he used to make a veggie burger with no instructions that I realized that’s how the cooking profession does it. 

It’s almost like a badge of honor to be able to replicate a recipe which a famous chef, or anybody else for that matter, made using only a list of ingredients with no amounts, no order and no method, not even cooking times.

By the way, anyone deciding to go into kitchen work of any type should read Kitchen Confidential by Anthony Bourdain on all the things you should not do in the preparation and serving of food to the public.

Although cooking animal-free is an ancient craft, it’s also new to the modern culinary world which for centuries focused on the animal as the center of everybody’s culinary culture.

So yes, not to worry, we come with all the bells and whistles, holding nothing back – guaranteed!

We are detailed-oriented and we pass those details onto you, so you can make the best ever product. There’s no conniving going on with any of our ingredients, method, timing, order. I would not have spent fifty plus years developing this cuisine – with no payment – to hold anything back. The purpose is to replicate. If you can’t follow instructions that’s a private matter between you and your employer, but best you let them know first.

And in the future if you want to deviate, then run it by the boss before you ruin good food. If you’re the boss, don’t complain when the recipe tanks because you didn’t feel like getting a required ingredient or follow through with the instructions, or you thought you could do it better. Okay?

Am I talking too rough? If you think so, then that’s what you need, because it seems a lot of you have trouble doing anything anybody else’s way. Get out of the kitchen now, or stay and learn. No hard feelings.

Employers aren’t there to babysit cooks and chefs who take instruction as an insult – not in the kitchen. Did I call you a name? Okay, then we’re good. Did I hear someone under their breath call me a name? Are you here to learn and cook or to disrupt? You decide.

The minute a chef or cook sees a recipe, they immediately start substituting ingredients in their mind. Is that why you went out of business? You need to make the recipe first, then you decide. You’re lucky I didn’t give you a list – so see, that’s where that comes from, THE PAST. Everybody hiding the ingredients, the method, the timing, the presentation.

Hiding days are over. Get it right and stop worrying if somebody else gets it right too. There are TEN FOOD SITES on the Animal-Free Culinary Culture Campus. There’s a lot to learn by following the recipe. THE RECIPE IS YOUR TEACHER. Burn that into your psyche. Come on, I know you’ve got one!

Dedicated To The Advancement Of All Animals™ including YOU!

Out of respect for all species, including the human species, we don’t use any part of any animal in animal-free cooking! Animal rights supporters and freers have as their foundational theme the Five Principles which negate the Five Fatal Flaws: prejudice beyond prejudice, discrimination, enslavement, torture and slaughter. By placing a ‘no’ in front of each Flaw, they become Five Principles To A Better Life – one leads to the other if left unchecked: no prejudice beyond prejudice, no discrimination, no enslavement, no torture, no slaughter. No is the easiest word to say in any language.

Everybody eats plants. The question is who doesn’t eat animals?

Plant-based could go three or more ways – mostly plants with some animal parts, a plant foundation with animal parts added, half plant, half animal or all plant.

There’s no ambiguity with The Animal-Free Chef. Animal-Free contains no animal products. Eggs, milk, cheese, gelatin, honey are all animal products in addition to the flesh, blood, bone, skin, organs.

Animal-Free is opposed to killing, dismembering, cooking and eating any animal including the human animal. When human does it to human the world calls those humans monsters.

We refuse to call on any monster to execute monster deeds on our behalf. We cook and eat Animal-Free! Join us, the party is just beginning after 50+ years developing an Animal-Free Cuisine

by Professional Home Chef Sharon Lee Davies-Tight

Ignite the Flame of Change: Embrace the Animal-Free Culinary Future Today!

Unleash your inner pioneer and behold a world of boundless opportunities.

Take swift action, immersing yourself in the instructions that will fuel your understanding.

Seize this moment and let passion guide your transformative journey!

You cannot become a chef without first becoming a sous-chef. No matter where you cook, at home or in a professional kitchen, or for whom you cook, you must learn the basics of food preparation.

The food preparation I instruct on is based only on the animal-free recipes I develop on the eight cyber campus sites.

In addition, each recipe is an instructional device in itself, teaching you as you perform the tasks of each recipe.

~ Chef Davies-Tight™

Sharon Lee Davies-Tight,

Animal-Free Sous-Chef

Thank you for donating to the continued success of Sharon Lee Davies-Tight, artist, author, animal-free chef and activist, ARCHITECT OF 5 PRINCIPLES TO A BETTER LIFE™ & MAINSTREAM ANIMAL-FREE CUISINE™.

Sharon shares her work worldwide with no payment or conditions, so that all people may have access to the totality of her work via the internet!

Thank you for being part of that dream of accessibility for all!

Chef Davies-Tight

Word Warrior Davies-Tight

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I AM AN ANIMAL-FREER (includes all animals including the human animal).

I free an animal each time I refuse to eat one.

I free an animal each time I refuse to wear one.

I free an animal each time I choose a veg cap over a gelatin cap for meds and supplements.

I free an animal each time I refuse to go to the circus.

I free an animal each time I refuse to wear make up that is tested on animals.

I free an animal each time I adopt one.

I am an animal. I free myself each time I refuse to submit to prejudice beyond prejudice, discrimination, enslavement, torture and slaughter.

~ Sharon Lee Davies-Tight


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