Fresh Jewish Rye Bread Crumbs

Rye bread makes better fresh breadcrumbs because they’re drier and coarser in texture. No need to remove crusts. Break in pieces, process in food processor till evenly crumbly. Pack in sealable plastic bags and freeze till needed. They thaw quickly, can be used as is for stuffing veggies, or lightly pan-fried in margarine or oilContinueContinue reading “Fresh Jewish Rye Bread Crumbs”


Do You Know Why PIZZA HOUSES Don’t Make Pizza On Bread? Because it’s so good and so easy that you wouldn’t want to go out to a pizza house for it – you could make it yourself. How many times have you been disappointed with your yeast risen pizza?? I used to think the doughContinueContinue reading “PIZZA TOAST IS ON THE WAY”


This is a recipe using leftover TOFU CHICKEN NOODLE SOUP turned into an egg sauce using Zero Egg Basics powdered egg (meaning there’s no egg in it!) Serve Over Broccoli and Asparagus. Textures and tastes like a chopped soft boiled chicken egg. Add a black Russian toast foundation and you have a Russian Benedict alaContinueContinue reading “AFC ZERO EGG SAUCE USING TOFU CHICKEN SOUP”

AFC Half and Half Breadcrumbs

HALF AND HALF BREADCRUMBS The perfect bread crumb topping. You don’t even need to broil it. Just apply and serve whatever you’re serving it over. Plain Panko crumb mixed with fresh potato breadcrumbs, pan-fried in equal amounts of extra virgin olive oil and margarine. Salt and pepper to taste and that’s all there is toContinueContinue reading “AFC Half and Half Breadcrumbs”

AFC Stove-Top Scrambled Tofu Stuffing Pie

STOVE TOP SCRAMBLED TOFU STUFFING PIE Multi-grain oat bread, soaked with water seasoned with garlic, turmeric, ginger and poultry seasoning, then twisted and pinched into pot with sauteed celery, sweet onion and tofu cubes. A simple stuffing with simple seasonings, put together in a slightly different arrangement to produce an extraordinary achievement! Stove-top or baked. Both great!ContinueContinue reading “AFC Stove-Top Scrambled Tofu Stuffing Pie”


CANDIED EVERYTHING CROUTONS It’s a party crouton! Pick a salad of greens or a coleslaw and make everybody’s day by topping it with these candied bread croutons. They’ll rave and you’ll be the star of any gathering! They taste like they were grilled over an open-flame – a little marshmallow taste as well! Serves 7ContinueContinue reading “CANDIED EVERYTHING CROUTONS”


BLACK RUSSIAN CROUTONS Bakery-style black bread makes superior croutons for soup or salad. Why not give it a try next time you see some authentic Russian black bread! Makes as many as you want preheat oven to 250 degrees 1/2 loaf bakery-style Russian black bread or pumpernickel, cut into 1/2 inch cubes Place cubes onContinueContinue reading “BLACK RUSSIAN CROUTONS”


Before grilling veg cheeses in a sandwich, always bring cheese to room temperature before assembling and grilling. The cheese will melt quicker.  


FRESH BREAD CRUMBS. Many of you have blenders and/or food processors and will make your fresh bread crumbs in that. For those of you who don’t have either, here’s another efficient way to make them: Shred partially frozen French or Italian bread over very large holes of a vegetable grater, using firm pressure and long strokes. The breadContinueContinue reading “FRESH BREAD CRUMBS”


BREADS. Read ingredient labels before purchasing all types of bread. Many breads contain animal products, usually in the form of non-fat milk solids, whey (sodium caseinate)butter, milk fat, eggs, or other animal fat. Hot dog and hamburger buns are the most difficult to find without one or more of these ingredients. However, they do exist, soContinueContinue reading “BREADS”


QUICK HOMEMADE BURGER BUNS Good burger buns are expensive and you don’t get many in a package. Take two slices of firm deli-size whole grain bread, or French/Italian bread. Use a large biscuit cutter, wide rimmed glass or can, to cut out circles the size of the veggie burger. Lightly toast and use. Or, lightlyContinueContinue reading “QUICK HOMEMADE BURGER BUNS”


FLOUR TORTILLAS, MAKING CHAR MARKS When making burritos or soft tacos, which require softening the tortilla in order to more easily roll or fold it, you can soften it plus add some char marks that give it a slightly charred taste. Here’s what you do: For an electric stove, turn your stove burner on tillContinueContinue reading “FLOUR TORTILLAS, MAKING CHAR MARKS”