Pickled Orange Rind Sticks

Pickled Orange Rind

The last time I made orange rind strips I did so for drying purposes. When dried I packed them up, stored them at room temperature and saved them for future use. They were good and, in a liquid, reconstituted to a nice chew.

Steve brought a few big oranges home last week and I noticed one morning after he peeled one, it came off mostly in one piece and he left it on the counter – presumably for me?

I cut it into large segments, skimmed the white pith off with a large, sturdy, broad, sharp knife, then stacked them, then cut them into tiny long sticks.

This time I decided not to dry them, but instead placed them in a jar with 1/2 vinegar and 1/2 water and a little granulated sugar and salt to taste.

Make sure they’re covered.

It didn’t take but a couple days before they were pickled throughout – not a strong pickle flavor but a mellow one. Perfect I thought for any dish requiring an orange stick garnish.

The flavor however, of the orange rind was so strong and pleasurable, that now that’s what I’m going to do with any oranges he brings home. PICKLE THEM.

As I was wondering about the orange that produced such a flavorful peel, I asked Steve and he said mini something. I researched them on line and can now identify them as minneloas.

Now it might be that the minneolas have a particularly soft, fragrant and flavorful peel that other oranges don’t sport. I guess I’ll find out the next time he brings home regular run-of-the-mill oranges.

For now; there are two more I’ll be adding to the jar.

They’re so deliciously flavored and textured, that I’m enjoying looking at them in the jar as I walk by.

Use as a garnish for soups, salads, sandwiches, sides, mains, even dessert. Or as a low calorie BITE|PINCH snack. Just a bite or a pinch is enough.

Published by Sharon Lee Davies-Tight, Philosopher, Diplomat, Animal-Free Chef, Spirit Artist, Activist

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