Morning Star Veggie Dog Sandwich

Who says you have to eat a hot dog on a hot dog bun? What if you don’t have any? What if all the hot dog buns are pandemic-style stale? Well, then try the burger buns. Are they stale too? Not today is okay with me. Then burger buns it is! Serves 6 8.4 oz.ContinueContinue reading “Morning Star Veggie Dog Sandwich”

Animal-Free Culinary Culture

A NEW PERSPECTIVE! Well here we are. ¡AT THE PLACE! Let’s get right to it. Greetings, greetings and more greetings! ¡NOW! To serve vegans and vegetarians it’s best to offer delicious animal-free recipes that will satisfy both diet ideologies and philosophies – in addition to offering the meat-eaters, who want to give it a try, somethingContinueContinue reading “Animal-Free Culinary Culture”