The Muze Fieldhouse Lakewood, Ohio 2nd visit

Well, we made it back again, this time with different staff. I ordered the vegan option pizza and Steve ordered the tater tots. Granted the waiter was on only his second day. The tater tots were not recognizable, more like burned hush puppies – and setting in an animal-based sauce. Steve returned them, then didn’tContinueContinue reading “The Muze Fieldhouse Lakewood, Ohio 2nd visit”

The Muze Fieldhouse Lakewood, Ohio

We live three blocks from this huge, new, music, food, beverage and event venue, and never saw it melting into the neighborhood as the insides of a very old brick building saw a different light of day with each new layer of the remodel forming a personality suited to all who enter. Everywhere you lookContinueContinue reading “The Muze Fieldhouse Lakewood, Ohio”