Mistakes Restaurants Make When Serving Vegan


Let’s use as an example the IMPOSSIBLE BURGER that recently was introduced on many restaurant menus around the country – in many animal-based restaurants.

The two in question are located downtown Cleveland, Ohio: STACK’D HANDCRAFTED SANDWICHES and WAHLBURGER’S.

Steve and I wanted to try the burger, so he checked both restaurants which claimed to carry it and they both did. However, neither restaurant provided a vegan bun or vegan cheese or vegan sauce. Everything except the burger was animal-based.

That’s like serving a gluten-free burger on a gluten bun to a person who does not eat gluten. It makes no sense.

As future chefs and restaurant owners, do the logical thing when serving vegan: Make the entire dish vegan or at least say it can be made vegan.

It almost seems intentional or a slap in the face to vegans who are the ones who worked and fought for decades to see these animal-free changes made in food offerings in restaurants. For meat-lovers only.

A vegan burger for meat lovers only. Flip it to the vegans who can’t have it because everything on it is animal-based. How small of STACK’D and WAHLBURGER’S.




Published by Sharon Lee Davies-Tight, Philosopher, Diplomat, Animal-Free Chef, Spirit Artist, Activist

CHEF DAVIES-TIGHT™. AFC Private Reserve™. THE ANIMAL-FREE CHEF™. The Animal-Free Chef Prime Content™. ANIMAL-FREE SOUS-CHEF™. Animal-Free Sous-Chef Prime Content™. ANIMAL-FAT-FREE CHEF™. Fat-Free Chef Prime Content™. AFC GLOBAL PLANTS™. THE TOOTHLESS CHEF™. WORD WARRIOR DAVIES-TIGHT™. Word Warrior Premium Content™. HAPPY WHITE HORSE™. Happy White Horse Premium Content™. SHARON ON THE NEWS™. SHARON'S FAMOUS LITTLE BOOKS™. SHARON'S BOOK OF PROSE™. CHALLENGED BY HANDICAP™. BIRTH OF A SEED™. LOCAL UNION 141™. Till now and forever © Sharon Lee Davies-Tight, Philosopher, Diplomat, Animal-Free Chef, Spirit Artist, Activist. ARCHITECT of 5 PRINCIPLES TO A BETTER LIFE™ & FIVE STAR ANIMAL-FREE CUISINE™.

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